Required credentials
Every call to an exported smartabaseR
functions requires
a url
, username
and password
Note: usernames and emails are not interchangeable;
only accepts valid Smartabase usernames.
Credential storage
In the smartabaseR
documentation, we supply credentials
in plain text directly in all the examples. We only do this for the sake
of space, but in production environments we would advise against storing
Smartabase credentials in plain text anywhere, let alone in the main
function call for all to see.
Here is some excellent documentation that explores some options:
We’d like to reiterate something Hadley Wickham says in that document: “Regardless of how you store them, to use your secrets you will still need to read them into R variables. Be careful not to expose them by printing them or saving them to a file.”
Environment variables
At worst, we would suggest storing credentials as environment
variables. These are still stored as plain text, but at least they don’t
need to be shown on screen when using smartabaseR
in an
interactive environment.
## Opens .Reviron file
If we set the environment variables SB_URL
, then in our script we
could call those credentials like this:
form = "Training Log",
date_range = c("01/03/2023", "07/03/2023"),
url = Sys.getenv("SB_URL"),
username = Sys.getenv("SB_USER"),
password = Sys.getenv("SB_PASS")
A better option is to use a package like keyring which gives you more control over how your secrets are accessed.
Ask every time
A more laborious option is to request for a password every time: rstudioapi::askForPassword() or getPass::getPass().