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If you haven’t already, please read the vignette("get-started") and vignette("exporting-data") vignettes before proceeding.

Import functions

smartabaseR provides four general functions for importing data into Smartabase: sb_insert_event(), sb_update_event(), sb_upsert_event() and sb_upsert_profile().


‘Inserting’ data into Smartabase means you are creating new events; i.e. inserting new rows into the Smartabase event database. sb_insert_event() is the most commonly used import function and ensures no chance of existing events being updated/overwritten.


training_data <- dplyr::tibble(
  start_date = "13/01/2023",
  user_id = c(37204, 37201),
  about = c("Aiden Thomas", "Jamie Anderson"),
  distance = c(2530, 5411),
  rpe = c(5, 7),
  entered_by_user_id = c(37204, 37201)

#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   start_date user_id about          distance   rpe entered_by_user_id
#>   <chr>        <dbl> <chr>             <dbl> <dbl>              <dbl>
#> 1 13/01/2023   37204 Aiden Thomas       2530     5              37204
#> 2 13/01/2023   37201 Jamie Anderson     5411     7              37201
  df = training_data,
  form = "Team Summary"
#>  SUCCESSFULLY_INSERTED: 2 out of 2 records successfully inserted into Team Summary.


‘Updating’ data in Smartabase means you are editing existing events in the Smartabase event database. sb_update_event() requires a valid event_id column in the supplied data frame. These are Smartabase-generated unique IDs that ensure only the correct events are updated/overwritten.

Updating is the same as overwriting

Important side note: we chose the term ‘update’ for sb_update_event() because it aligns with standard database terminology, but arguably a more appropriate name would be sb_overwrite_event().

That’s because every event in the data frame supplied to sb_update_event() completely overwrites the existing event in the Smartabase event database.

Practically this also means that most calls to sb_update_event() should be preceded by a call to sb_get_event()/sb_sync_event(). The latter return a data frame that contain the entire Smartabase form, including every column/field that contains data; not to mention the necessary event_id column.


The workflow below involves exporting event data from Smartabase via sb_get_event(), applying some transformation and then importing the results using sb_insert_event().

training_data <- sb_get_event(
  form = "Training Log",
  date_range = c("15/04/2023", "15/04/2023"),
  url = "",
  username = "example.username",
  password = "example_password"
#> # A tibble: 2 × 7
#>   form         start_date user_id event_id Distance   RPE Team Average Distanc…¹
#>   <chr>        <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>                 
#> 1 Training Log 15/04/2023   37204  2381840     2530     5 NA                    
#> 2 Training Log 15/04/2023   37201  2382033     5411     7 NA                    
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Team Average Distance`

We have two records. Their event IDs are 2381840 and 238203.

Notice that the field Team Average Distance is currently empty. Let’s imagine we want to populate that field with the team’s average distance without creating new records. First, let’s do the calculation:


avg_dist_data <- training_data %>%
  mutate(across("Team Average Distance", ~ round(mean(Distance), 0)))

#> # A tibble: 2 × 7
#>   form         start_date user_id event_id Distance   RPE Team Average Distanc…¹
#>   <chr>        <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>                  <dbl>
#> 1 Training Log 15/04/2023   37204  2381840     2530     5                   3970
#> 2 Training Log 15/04/2023   37201  2382033     5411     7                   3970
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Team Average Distance`

All we need to do now is import our avg_dist_data data back into our Training Log form via sb_update_event() and the Team Average Distance field will be populated:

  df = avg_dist_data,
  form = "Training Log",
  url = "",
  username = "example.username",
  password = "example_password"

Running the above code will create a screen prompt that you will have to interact with:

#> ── WARNING ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ! You are about to UPDATE 2 records in Training Log.
#>  Please be aware the incoming data will overwrite the existing data.
#> The Smartabase API will be called once.
#> → Are you sure you want to continue?
#> 1: Yes
#> 2: No

If you input “1” or “Yes” into the console then you’ll see:

#>  SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED: 2 out of 2 records successfully updated in Training Log.


‘Upserting’ data into Smartabase means events can either be created or updated, depending on the event_id column. Rows with valid event IDs will update the matching rows in the Smartabase event database, whereas rows with no event_id will be inserted as new rows in the Smartabase event database.


In this example we’ll get some training data from Smartabase using sb_get_event(). We’ll then round down the Distance values to the nearest 100 and add two more rows where Distance = 3000.

To illustrate how sb_upsert_event() works, let’s first get some event data from Smartabase:

training_data <- sb_get_event(
  form = "Training Log",
  date_range = c("15/04/2023", "15/04/2023"),
  url = "",
  username = "example.username",
  password = "example_password"
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   form         start_date user_id event_id Distance   RPE
#>   <chr>        <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Training Log 15/04/2023   37204  2381840     2530     5
#> 2 Training Log 15/04/2023   37201  2382033     5411     7

Let’s say that we want to update this data in Smartabase such that the Distance field is rounded down to the nearest 100:


training_data <- training_data %>%
  mutate(across(Distance, ~ round(., digits = -2)))

#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   form         start_date user_id event_id Distance   RPE
#>   <chr>        <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Training Log 15/04/2023   37204  2381840     2500     5
#> 2 Training Log 15/04/2023   37201  2382033     5400     7

Imagine then we had some new Training Log data to insert into Smartabase. Here’s the new data:

#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   start_date user_id Distance   RPE
#>   <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 16/04/2023   37207     3000     4
#> 2 16/04/2023   37207     3000     4

Joining the data exported from Smartabase with this new data gives:

upsert_data <- full_join(training_data, extra_data)
#> Joining with `by = join_by(start_date, user_id, Distance, RPE)`

#> # A tibble: 4 × 6
#>   form         start_date user_id event_id Distance   RPE
#>   <chr>        <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Training Log 15/04/2023   37204  2381840     2500     5
#> 2 Training Log 15/04/2023   37201  2382033     5400     7
#> 3 NA           16/04/2023   37207       NA     3000     4
#> 4 NA           16/04/2023   37207       NA     3000     4

Note how the new data for athlete 37207 does not contain event IDs. This will mean that supplying the upsert_data frame to sb_upsert_event() will invoke two API calls: one to insert the rows where event_id = NA and another to update the remaining events:

  df = upsert_data,
  form = "Training Log",
  url = "",
  username = "example.username",
  password = "example_password"
#> ── WARNING ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ! You are about to UPDATE 2 records in Training Log.
#>  Please be aware the incoming data will overwrite the existing data.
#>  You will also INSERT 2 new records.
#> The Smartabase API will be called twice.
#> → Are you sure you want to continue?
#> 1: Yes
#> 2: No
#>  1: SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED: 2 out of 2 records successfully updated in Training Log.
#>  2: SUCCESSFULLY_INSERTED: 2 out of 2 records successfully inserted into updated in Training Log.


sb_upsert_profile() is the only function for importing profile data into Smartabase. Profile forms can only store one record per athlete and therefore every import into a profile form is an upsert. That is, for each athlete, the first time data is imported into a profile form it will be an insert, but future profile imports will all be updates.


example_profile_data <- dplyr::tibble(
  start_date = "13/01/2023",
  user_id = 37204,
  about = "Aiden Thomas",
  Team = "First Team",
  entered_by_user_id = 37204

#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   form         start_date user_id event_id Distance   RPE
#>   <chr>        <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Training Log 15/04/2023   37204  2381840     2500     5
#> 2 Training Log 15/04/2023   37201  2382033     5400     7
  df = example_profile_data,
  form = "Example Profile Form",
  url = "",
  username = "example.username",
  password = "example_password"
#>  SUCCESSFULLY_INSERTED: 1 out of 1 records successfully inserted into Example Profile Form.


All option values must be generated by the relevant helper function. So if we’re using sb_insert_event() and we want to set table_field = "Example Table Field", we would set table_field = "Example Table Field" within sb_get_event_option(). For example:

  form = "Example Form",
  date_range = c("01/03/2023", "07/03/2023"),
  url = "",
  username = "example.username",
  password = "example_password",
  option = sb_insert_event_option(
    table_field = "Example Table Field"

Each import function has an associated option function:

  • sb_update_event(..., option = sb_update_event_option())
  • sb_upsert_event..., option = sb_upsert_event_option())
  • sb_upsert_profile(..., option = sb_upsert_profile_option())
  • etc…

Below goes into more detail about each available option.

Note: even though the below examples reference sb_insert_event(), the same advice can be applied to the other import functions: sb_update_event(), sb_upsert_event() or sb_upsert_profile().


The first time you hit the Smartabase API within a given R session (the first time you call sb_insert_event(), for instance), smartabaseR in the background first calls sb_login(). If the cache option is set to TRUE (default), then this login object is then saved into memory and passed to further calls to the Smartabase API. If the cache option is FALSE, then subsequent calls to the Smartabase API will be preceded by a call to sb_login().


Whenever you import data into Smartabase, the API requires that there exists a column called user_id in the data frame. This represents each athlete’s Smartabase-generated user ID. The id_col defaults to "user_id" for this reason.

However, there may be situations where you don’t have the relevant Smartabase user IDs handy. There are two approaches here: firstly, you could make a call to sb_get_user() to get the user IDs yourself, then join that to the event data by “user_id”; or, secondly, if your data frame contains some other kind of identifying column like “username”, “email” or “about” (that is, full name), then you can simply set the id_col argument to the name of the identifying column. For instance, id_col = "about".

id_col can either be set to “username”, “email” or “about”.


Below is a data frame we want to insert into the “Training Log” form using sb_insert_event().

#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   start_date about          Distance   RPE
#>   <chr>      <chr>             <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 15/04/2023 Aiden Thomas       2530     5
#> 2 15/04/2023 Jamie Anderson     5411     7

Note how there is no user_id column, but there is an about column. Our call to sb_insert_event() would then set option = sb_insert_event_option(id_col = "about"):

  df = training_data,
  form = "Training Log",
  url = "",
  username = "example.username",
  password = "example_password",
  option = sb_insert_event_option(
    id_col = "about"

Remember: id_col can only be set to either “user_id”, “about”, “username” or “email”.


Smartabase tables are used when you want to store multiple rows of data in one event. For example, they are prevalent in strength testing forms where an athlete is performing multiple exercises in the same session.


Here is some event data from a form that contains both table and non-table fields:

strength_data <- sb_get_event(
  form = "Strength Testing",
  date_range = c("15/04/2023", end_date = "15/04/2023"),
  url = "",
  username = "example.username",
  password = "example_password",
  option = sb_get_event_option(
    user_key = "about",
    user_value = c("Aiden Thomas", "Jamie Anderson")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   start_date user_id about      `Session RPE` Exercise  Load Repetition event_id
#>   <chr>        <dbl> <chr>              <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 15/04/2023   37204 Aiden Tho…             7 Bench P…   120          3  2381840
#> 2 15/04/2023   37204 Aiden Tho…            NA Bench P…   115          3  2381840
#> 3 15/04/2023   37204 Aiden Tho…            NA Bench P…   110          3  2381840
#> 4 15/04/2023   37201 Jamie And…             8 Back Sq…   170          3  2382033
#> 5 15/04/2023   37201 Jamie And…            NA Back Sq…   165          3  2382033
#> 6 15/04/2023   37201 Jamie And…            NA Back Sq…   185          3  2382033

Here Exercise, Load and Repetition are all table fields, whereas Session RPE is not – it was only recorded once in the session. start_date, user_id, about and event_id are metadata that will always populate each row. You will notice that for each unique start_date and user_id pairing, the non-table field (Session RPE) will only populate the first row.

This structure is required whenever importing into forms with both table and non-table fields. That is why the user must specify which columns map to Smartabase table fields via table_field:

  df = strength_data,
  form = "Strength Testing",
  url = "",
  username = "example.username",
  password = "example_password",
  option = sb_insert_event_option(
    table_field = c("Exercise", "Load", "Repetition")

table_field takes a vector of column names.

Duplicate user_id/start_date when table_field = NULL

If table_field = NULL but duplicate user_id/start_date pairings are detected, the data set will be split into a list of data frames. Each element of the list, i.e., each data frame, contains a set of the original data whereby there are no duplicate user_id/start_date values internally. Each data set in the list is then imported via individual API calls.

For example, let’s say we have the following data set

#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   start_date user_id about          exercise     load
#>   <chr>        <dbl> <chr>          <chr>       <dbl>
#> 1 15/04/2023   37201 Jamie Anderson Back Squat    170
#> 2 15/04/2023   37201 Jamie Anderson Back Squat    165
#> 3 15/04/2023   37201 Jamie Anderson Back Squat    165
#> 4 15/04/2023   37204 Aiden Thomas   Bench Press   120
#> 5 15/04/2023   37204 Aiden Thomas   Bench Press   115
#> 6 16/04/2023   37204 Aiden Thomas   Bench Press   110

As you can see, Aiden Thomas has two records occurring on “15/04/2023” while Jamie Anderson has three records occurring on the “15/04/2023”. If we try to import this data while table_field is left empty, sb_insert_event() will internally split the data like this

#> $`1`
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#>   start_date user_id about          exercise     load
#>   <chr>        <dbl> <chr>          <chr>       <dbl>
#> 1 15/04/2023   37201 Jamie Anderson Back Squat    170
#> 2 15/04/2023   37204 Aiden Thomas   Bench Press   120
#> 3 16/04/2023   37204 Aiden Thomas   Bench Press   110
#> $`2`
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#>   start_date user_id about          exercise     load
#>   <chr>        <dbl> <chr>          <chr>       <dbl>
#> 1 15/04/2023   37201 Jamie Anderson Back Squat    165
#> 2 15/04/2023   37204 Aiden Thomas   Bench Press   115
#> $`3`
#> # A tibble: 1 × 5
#>   start_date user_id about          exercise    load
#>   <chr>        <dbl> <chr>          <chr>      <dbl>
#> 1 15/04/2023   37201 Jamie Anderson Back Squat   165

The first data set contains the first unique user_id/start_date pairing; the second data set contains the second unique user_id/start_date pairing, and so on.


interactive_mode = FALSE suppresses progress messages that are intended for human end-users. Set interactive_mode = FALSE when running smartabaseR within automated pipelines.


start_date / end_date / start_time / end_time columns

When uploading data to Smartabase, the API requires metadata about when the event started and stopped. sb_insert_event() will first search for any columns in the data named “start_time” and “end_time”. Note: start_time and end_time values must be in h:mm AM or h:mm PM format. If those columns do not exist, start_time and end_time will be set to the current time and one hour after the current time, respectively.

Likewise,sb_insert_event() will also search for any columns named “start_date” or “end_date”, which must have values formatted as dd/mm/YYYY. If those columns do not exist, both start_date and end_date will be set to the current date (unless the difference between start_time and end_time spans midnight, in which case the end_date will be set to the current date plus one day).