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Set option parameters for sb_get_profile()


  interactive_mode = TRUE,
  include_user_data = TRUE,
  cache = TRUE,
  include_missing_user = FALSE,
  guess_col_type = TRUE,
  include_uuid = FALSE



If TRUE, all messages are printed to the console. If FALSE, they are suppressed. The idea is that interactive_mode should be set to FALSE in automated environments to ensure logs aren't clogged up with progress messages.


If TRUE, information like the athlete's full name (i.e. about) is attached to the exported data frame. Setting this to FALSE can improve query performance since sb_get_event() doesn't need to make an extra API call to grab the user data.


If TRUE, login token and user details are cached once per session. Similar to include_user_data, caching can have performance benefits when the user data set is large, such as on large Smartabase sites with thousands of users. To invalidate the cache, restart your R session.


If TRUE, includes users who have not recorded data in that form as rows of NA values.


If TRUE, sb_get_event() uses readr::type_convert() to guess the column types of the exported data frame. If FALSE, all columns will come through as character.


If TRUE, each athlete's user-defined UUID (universally unique identifier) is attached to the exported data frame. Note, this is different to user_id, which is automatically generated by Smartabase.


A list of options with class = "sb_export_option"


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Calling the function with no arguments returns all the defaults

# Specifying specific arguments will alter those arguments alone while still
# returning the other defaults
sb_get_profile_option(guess_col_type = FALSE, interactive_mode = FALSE)
} # }