Returns vector of metadata variables present in data frame
Once data has been pulled in from Smartabase, it is often desirable to retain the metadata variables (e.g. about, start_time etc.) in the data frame before pushing back to Smartabase. Rather than having to repeatedly write out the vector of metadata variables you want to retain, this helper function will retain any metadata variables present in a data frame; for instance, when used in the select() function
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
example_df <- dplyr::tibble(
about = c("Jamie Anderson", "Charlie Thompson"),
start_date = c("14/02/2020", "14/02/2020"),
form = "Hydration",
`Body Weight pre training` = round(runif(2, 82, 92), 0),
`Body Weight post training` = round(runif(2, 82, 92), 0),
`Urine Colour` = round(runif(2, 1, 8), 0),
end_date = c("14/02/2020", "14/02/2020")
example_df %>% select(sb_select_metadata(.))
select(example_df, sb_select_metadata(example_df))
} # }